Toxic Christianity Can’t Admit Reality Of Homosexual Love

The Gospel of Mark in the Christian Bible depicts the Christian community as populated by men who regularly kissed and embraced each other, and spoke of their love for one another openly. It describes Jesus and Judas as loving each other, as people who kissed each other regularly.

In spite of the clear hints toward a homosexual lifestyle of Jesus, most American Christians today reject homosexuality, depicting it as a terrible sin. They use the Bible’s rare passages about sex to patch together a thin excuse of hatred toward anything other than a male-dominated heterosexuality.

At the same time, they want to seize the power of government to force their bigoted religion at children across the United States, compelling teachers to post the Ten Commandments and teach from the Bible in public schools.

What if, in response, teachers taught passages from the Bible in which there are signs of homosexual love affairs? What if public school teachers displayed the following poster, depicting Jesus and Judas as the “hottest gay lovers in the Bible”?

You know what would happen. Christian Nationalists don’t actually want the Christian Bible to be taught honestly. They aren’t willing to consider the true breadth of Christian ideology. Their toxic Christianity will only allow for speech and education about a narrow, right wing extremist version of Christian beliefs.

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    Balanset-1A Device Description

    The Balanset-1A is a compact, dual-channel device designed for balancing and vibration analysis of rotating mechanisms. It is ideal for balancing rotors such as crushers, fans, mulchers, choppers, shafts, centrifuges, turbines, and other rotating machinery.

    Key Features and Capabilities

    Vibrometry Mode

    Tachometer: Exact measurement of rotational speed (RPM).
    Phase: Determines the phase angle of the vibration signal for precise analysis.
    1x Vibration: Measures and analyzes the primary frequency component.
    FFT Spectrum: Thorough analysis of the vibration signal’s frequency spectrum.
    Overall Vibration: Keeps track of overall vibration levels.
    Measurement Log: Archives data for future analysis.

    Balancing Mode

    Single-Plane Balancing: Balances rotors in one plane to minimize vibration.
    Two-Plane Balancing: Dynamic rotor balancing in two planes.
    Polar Diagram: Displays imbalance on a polar diagram for accurate weight placement.
    Last Session Recovery: Facilitates the resumption of the last balancing session.
    Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Determines acceptable imbalance in accordance with ISO 1940.
    Grinding Wheel Balancing: Balances grinding wheels using three counterweights.

    Graphs and Visualizations

    Overall Graphs: Displays general vibration levels.
    1x Graphs: Visualizes vibration characteristics at the primary frequency.
    Harmonic Graphs: Displays the presence and impact of harmonic frequencies.
    Spectral Graphs: Displays the frequency spectrum for detailed analysis.

    Additional Capabilities

    Archive: Archive and access prior balancing sessions.
    Reports: Create thorough reports on balancing.
    Rebalancing: Enables rebalancing using stored session data.
    Serial Production Balancing: Suitable for balancing rotors in mass production settings.

    What’s in the Package

    The Balanset-1A comes with:

    A measurement unit with interface connectivity.
    Two vibration measurement sensors.
    Optical sensor (laser tachometer) with magnetic mount.
    Digital weight scales.
    Software (laptop not included, available for purchase).
    Hard plastic carrying case.

    Main Advantages

    The Balanset-1A is simple to use, reasonably priced, and equipped with features to handle a range of balancing and vibration analysis challenges.

    The Balanset-1A’s efficiency and task-specific adaptability make it perfect for manufacturing and maintenance operations.

    Pricing: US $1,999.

    Balanset-1A is versatile enough for both small workshops and large enterprises, offering flexible and universal use.

    Order on eBay


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