punishment – Toxic Christianity https://toxicchristianity.net The poison of faith in American culture Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:51:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 194884751 The Loving Lake of Fire of Jesus https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/29/the-loving-lake-of-fire-of-jesus/ https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/29/the-loving-lake-of-fire-of-jesus/#respond Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:49:34 +0000 https://toxicchristianity.net/?p=83 Continue readingThe Loving Lake of Fire of Jesus

Over and over again, the New Testament of Christianity threatens to punish anyone who refuses to worship and obey Jesus as a god king. The punishments are varied, but include crushing to death and being burned alive in a lake of fire, as well as straightforward mass slaughter.

They call this a religion of love, but love doesn’t threaten to throw people into a fire if they don’t obey. Love doesn’t long for punishment. Love doesn’t seek to control people through fear.

Christianity is a religion of punishment and fear.

"Here's the deal: You worship me as a god king or I will throw you in the fire. It's about love."

– Jesus
https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/29/the-loving-lake-of-fire-of-jesus/feed/ 0 83
Christianity Wants To Burn People https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/29/christianity-wants-to-burn-people/ https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/29/christianity-wants-to-burn-people/#respond Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:31:12 +0000 https://toxicchristianity.net/?p=80 Continue readingChristianity Wants To Burn People

“As for those who do not worship Jesus, and the sexually immoral, and sorcerers, they shall be cast into the lake of fire.”
– Revelation 21:8

Why do Christians want to punish sorcerers by throwing them into a lake of fire, when its own prophet Jesus is described in the bible as practicing magic?

Why would anyone want to join a religion that seeks to burn people for having sex and independent minds?

The Christian bible is the world’s most influential source of violence, cruelty, and hatred of freedom.

https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/29/christianity-wants-to-burn-people/feed/ 0 80
Against A Thanksgiving Prayer https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/24/against-a-thanksgiving-prayer/ https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/24/against-a-thanksgiving-prayer/#respond Thu, 24 Nov 2022 12:09:41 +0000 https://toxicchristianity.net/?p=77 Continue readingAgainst A Thanksgiving Prayer

On Thanksgiving, lord, we thank you for killing your own son in order to save us from the trap that you put us in and then blamed us for, so that he can come back and burn the Earth to a cinder after killing everyone who doesn’t worship him…

Wait a minute. Have you ever actually thought about how sick and twisted this is?

I’ll thank the people around me for their kind help.

The Christian god can stuff it.

https://toxicchristianity.net/2022/11/24/against-a-thanksgiving-prayer/feed/ 0 77